ZAZ stopped the production of “Lanos”, blames “EuroBLECH”

Zaporizhia automobile building plant (ZAZ) reported odanovce production car “Lanos”.
About it reports UNIAN with reference to the press service of the Corporation “UkrAVTO”.
The reason for this decision on the plant called economic crisis in Ukraine and decline in demand for cars. “And also contributed to the problem of the import of cheap used cars to bypass customs clearance,” said the company.
Instead, ZAZ decided to focus on the production of commercial vehicles.
See also:
EuroBLECH. Solutions to car problems that divided Ukrainians into two camps
Earlier it was reported that nearly a quarter of a million cars “at EuroBLECH” travel to Ukraine illegally.
The state fiscal service of Ukraine reported that for 10 months in 2017 Ukraine imported 865 thousand vehicles with foreign registration. Of these, nearly 681,6 thousand cars imported in the mode of “transit” and almost 183,4 thousand cars – in the mode of “temporary import”. As of November 1, 2017 on the territory of Ukraine in General is more 383,3 thousand vehicles with foreign registration, among them violation of the time – almost 236,6 thousand cars.
Videoprova side of the conflict: who benefits from the reduction of taxes and duties “EuroBLECH”
TSN. Week
10 Sep, 20:51
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