“Naftogaz” has left without licenses for oil and gas production

In the NJSC “Naftogaz of Ukraine” has taken away three licenses for oil and gas production in the Poltava region. Accordingly, the company now, not a single permit to develop oil and gas prospect in the free territory of Ukraine.

License December 1 were cancelled by the State service of Geology and subsoil on the basis of a court decision, reports enkorr.

We are talking about the special permits for use of Obolon (495,2 sq km), Budischanskaya-Chusovskoy (497,9 sq km) and Pisarevsky (471,9 sq km) squares, which were suspended in March.

Gosgeonadzor claim was based on the dissatisfaction of the Poltava regional Council, which on 31 January of this year officially called Gosgeonedra to take away from “Naftogaz” of these special permits, and appeals of the people’s Deputy Sergey Kaplin.

Local deputies considered unsatisfactory work of “Naftogaz” in its licensed areas and accused the company of violating work program, in particular, provided special permit Budischanskaya-Cotovscoe square.

In turn “Naftogaz of Ukraine” States that have invested in these areas in General 799 million UAH. Also late last year an agreement was signed with its subsidiary company “Ukrgazdobycha” on the development of these areas. For 2017, the funding for this project was provided in the amount of UAH 1.1 bn.

“The implementation of the work program for 2017 to Budischanskaya-Chusovskom license area, which is the most explored, will in 2018 to ensure the growth of industrial gas reserves of approximately 1.2 billion cubic meters, oil – about 0.5 million tons, to produce approximately 100 million cubic meters of gas and 15 million tons of crude oil,” – said in “Naftogaz”.

In “Naftogaz” listed six licences for oil and gas deposits, on which work is impossible: three of them are located in the ATO zone, another three on the continental shelf.

Meanwhile, the government assures that before 2020 Ukraine will significantly increase production of gas and completely abandon the import.

  • oil
  • gas
  • Naftogaz
  • mining
  • license
  • Ukrgasdobycha

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