The OSCE expressed its readiness to dialogue with the new leaders of “LNR”

Representatives of the Special monitoring mission of the Organization for security and cooperation in Europe is ready for dialogue with the new leadership of “LNR”.
This was stated by first Deputy Chairman of the OSCE SMM Alexander hug.
“We are always ready to engage in dialogue with anyone who wants to find a peaceful solution to this conflict. And if the new leadership of the Luhansk region was willing to meet with us, we are ready. OSCE SMM is always ready to engage in dialogue, and we expect that everyone should join in this dialogue in good faith”, – he stressed.
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Hug also noted that the OSCE has a team in Donetsk and Lugansk, who are ready to conduct this dialogue.
“Just as I am ready to have these conversations, if this year I will visit Donetsk or Lugansk,” – said the Deputy Chairman of the OSCE SMM.
In addition, the BBC noted that the armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine can only be resolved “through dialogue”.
“Parties need to understand that this conflict will not be resolved locally, it can only be solved through dialogue,” he concluded.
Briefing of the First Deputy of the OSCE SMM Alexander hug | News briefing by Principal OSCE SMM Deputy Chief Monitor Alexander Hug
Published SMM OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine on December 4, 2017
Recall, November 25, Pasechnik has been appointed the new “head” of the so-called “LNR” after the resignation of Igor Plotnitsky.
Almost immediately he announced that he expects the integration to Russia together with Donetsk terrorists. And thanked the leader “DNR” Alexander Zakharchenko, expressing hope for further cooperation and fruitful work.
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