Rada has introduced limits for individuals on the importation of goods from abroad

The Verkhovna Rada adopted a law that will impose taxes on those who frequently transports goods across the border or forwards them.
Duty be made to import the goods in hand or accompanied Luggage amount up to 500 euros (at the airports – up to 1000 euros) and weighing up to 50 lbs. Such rules are in effect for those who were missing in Ukraine more than 24 hours and stay in Russia not more than once every 72 hours. With more frequent check-without taxes to import goods in the amount of 50 euros. About it writes “Interfax-Ukraine”.
“The tax base is part of the total invoice value of such goods exceeding the equivalent of 50 euros, including fees payable” – this new rule was introduced in the Tax code for those who were absent in Ukraine less than 24 hours and enters the country more than once within 72 hours.
Until now, tax-free goods worth up to 500 euros and weight to 50 kg could be imported once a day, not being abroad for a minimum of 24 hours, is based on what the business of many so-called “Shuttle traders”.
Rada has also introduced limits on tax-free shipment of goods to individuals in international mail and Express shipments now can be a maximum of three per calendar month total invoice value of up to 150 euros, while beginning with the fourth parcel, they will be subject to tax, duty and excise.
After signing by the President the law will come into force on 1 January 2018.
This document also provides an exemption from taxes and excise duties of electric vehicles, which are imported from-for borders to Ukraine.
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