Employees NABOO has suspended access to the electronic declarations of officials

The national Agency for prevention of corruption suspended the access of employees of the National anticorruption Bureau of Ukraine to the electronic declarations of state officials.
About it reported in a press-service of the NACP.
“The decision was made for the period of clarification of circumstances indicating a change in the status of the annual return for the year 2016 in a telecommunications system “the Unified state register of declarations of persons authorized to perform state functions or local self-government” one of the subjects of Declaration”, – stated in the message.
According to the national Agency, was made and confirmed by a private electronic signature of the authorized person of NABOO, the change of e-Declaration.
As noted, the decision was discussed and adopted during the meeting of all members of the NACP.
In addition, NACP is going to submit the appropriate letters to law enforcement agencies.
“In accordance with the provisions of the Memorandum of cooperation and exchange of information between the National Agency and the NEB, the last received remote direct access to its Registry 10 may 2017 with a secure channel of communication, built on the basis of a secure network for confidential communication which has a certificate CSIS. Since that time, authorized persons of the National Bureau viewed 3587 documents with confidential information. The provisions of this Memorandum excludes any interference in the content of the documents”, – reminded in NACP.
As previously reported, the head of financial control Department NACP Anna Solomatina has accused its leadership in the face of Natalia Korchak in the falsification of the findings of verification of declarations. According to her, Korczak gave direct orders concerning the verification of the deputies and falsified conclusions.
In turn, the detectives NABOO opened a case on the fact of possible receipt by the staff of NACP bribes in especially large sizes.
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