GPU opened a case because of the searches to NAB the building of the Ministry of justice

The General Prosecutor of Ukraine filed a case after the statement on criminal offense for employees of NAB, which conducted searches in the building of the Ministry of justice.
About it reported a press-the Secretary of GPU Andriy Lysenko on his page in Facebook.
See also:
Employees NABOO has suspended access to the electronic declarations of officials
He said that the statement that the NAB had violated the law during the searches, was signed by the Deputy Minister of justice.
“The statement also pointed out that the search was conducted in violation of the code of criminal procedure, and in the actions of the appropriate officials of NABOO seen signs of a criminal offense under part 2 of article 162 of the Criminal code of Ukraine. On this fact the Prosecutor General’s office of Ukraine submitted to the Unified register of pretrial investigations and initiated.”, he said.
The Prosecutor General’s office of Ukraine received a statement on criminal offense signed by the Deputy Minister of justice…
Posted by Andrei Lysenko 8 December 2017.
We will remind, employees of the National anti-corruption Bureau conducted searches at the office of one of the officials of the Ministry of justice, as well as the employee Department. The Bureau noted the legality of such investigations. The Ministry of justice of Ukraine reported that complain about the searches by members of the National anti-corruption Bureau in the Prosecutor General’s office and international partners. So, the National anticorruption Bureau of Ukraine conducted searches in the Ministry of justice due to suspicions officials of the Ministry in the theft of worth more than 50 billion hryvnia.
Videoporoshenko had to justify to the President of Lithuania due to pressure on NABOO
TSN. 16:45
8 Dec, 17:05
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