Poroshenko will appoint “their” people to the National Commission on tariffs – mass media

The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko will appoint members to the National Commission, which performs state regulation in the energy and utilities (NKREKU) loyal to the current government of the people. Among them are officials who have been working in the field of regulation of tariffs.
About it reports “Economic truth” with reference to a source in the government.
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Among novonaznachennyj is Oksana Krivenko, which was engaged in the development and introduction of license fee for gas. She is now the Deputy Director of the national Commission on regulation of relations in the oil and gas sector.
“Professional career official. I don’t think she will Express a special opinion on some decisions and will sign all decisions. Moreover, it will matter to the end of the temporary period to return to some work in NKREKU,” – said the source.
Will also be reassigned to a member of the national Commission Victoria Morozova, which ended the authority. It is reported that in a short time they will recover.
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Also we are talking about Anton, Gudchenko. He was Advisor to the Chairman of NERC Dmitry Vovk. Both came to office in January 2015. Wife Gudchenko is chief financial officer of PJSC “Centrenergo”.
“Gudchenko – people of the Wolf. Here is the Declaration for 2016, there has already referred to his wife as a member of the Board of PJSC “Centrenergo”. That is, it has an obvious conflict of interest. In addition, it does not meet the requirements of article 7 law of Ukraine “ON the national Commission” (does not have 5 years of experience in energy or utilities),” adds the source.
We will remind, in the summer of NABOO began to investigate the matter on approval of the pricing formula of power “Rotterdam +”. The Bureau was suspected of collusion of the Chairman and members of the national Commission with power generation companies. NABOO security forces raided the building of the national Commission on tariffs.
Soon the head of the National Commission, carrying out state regulation in the energy and utilities Dmitry Vovk said that the formula for calculating the cost of electricity “Rotterdam +” canceled with the introduction of the electricity market.
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