A legal holiday. Where how much to buy a Christmas tree and how to check that it felled legally

Buy a legal, registered tree today. That is 15 December throughout the Ukraine government opened Christmas bazaars. Prices for Christmas trees are different, and they depend on the size and fluffiness of the trees and pines.
This is stated in the plot program “snidanok z “1+1”.
For sale put up half a million conifers, specially grown forestry.
In Kiev, the Christmas trees are from 100 to 500 UAH. In the regional centers you can buy them from 50 UAH. The cost directly depends on the height and fluffy firs, pines, and firs. Such varieties of conifers will be presented at the fairs.
On the tree have to be a special label with a number and code is a guarantee of its legality. Code tree also “tell” about the place and date of the log. You can check this on the website ukrforest.com. If there is no code – this tree cut down illegally.
To protect conifer plantations from poachers, the regional Department of the state forestry created the road crews. The penalty for illegally felled Christmas tree – almost 500 UAH. And this is the cost of the most expensive and most beautiful wood on the legal market.
Christmas bazaars will be open from 08:00 to 17:00 every day until new years eve – December 31.
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