At a closed meeting, the ambassadors of the G7 countries warned NABU and SAP “not playing politics” – sources
At the meeting of the ambassadors of the “Big seven” with the Director of NABU Artem Sytnik and head of SAP Nazar Holodnenkim Ukrainian law enforcement officers were asked not to get involved in politics.
About it Dnia said two independent from each other sources familiar with the situation.
According to sources, Sytnik complained that Ukrainian politicians interfere with the work of NAB for fear of criminal proceedings.
After the word was given to Nazar Golodnitsky, which in General terms were talking about open manufacturing and problems in the work of anti-corruption bodies.
Then began performing the British Ambassador Judith Gough, who was criticized Artem Sytnik for excessive PR in the NAB. It was supported by the EU Ambassador Hugues Mingarelli, who said that the ambassadors continue to support anti-corruption authorities of Ukraine, but they can’t go into politics.
“Mingarelli and the British Ambassador was quite hard. They made it clear to Rush that we have to work “hush,” said one of the interlocutors.
Sources say that during this meeting the Ambassador of the USA in Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch said very little and did not criticize the work of the NAB.
Roman Kravets, Maria Gartovska
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