In Lviv raise the cost of public transport

Monday, December 18, in Lviv will cost one hryvnia travel on public transport, which operates on a “taxi” (buses, taxis), up to 5 UAH.
The new plan has been agreed by the Executive Committee of Lviv city Council. Economically sound value – of 6.80 UAH.
“Before making this decision we went through the procedure of public consultations and submitted a draft decision to the Antimonopoly Committee. In addition, in this solution, we already covered all the modes – Express, taxis and regular mode is that provided by applicable law. The tariff 5 UAH”, – said acting head of the Department of transportation of the city Council Oleg Partyka.
“The rate is not 7, but 5 hryvnia. I have no moral right to put to vote a greater rate because people physically can not pay. Now we are talking about the adjustment of prices to 5 hryvnia,” – said the mayor of Lviv Andriy Sadovy.
The tariff increase was explained by the fact that, according to the law, should be revised when the value has changed more than 10%. From the last revision of the tariff, the fuel price increased by 50%, the salary is 133%, also increased the cost of materials.
We will remind, on 1 September this year in Lviv has increased the fare in electric transport (trams and trolleybuses) – 2 UAH to 3 UAH, discount ticket now costs 1.5 UAH for 1 UAH.
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