The militants have reduced the intensity of the attacks. Chronicle of the ATO

During Friday, December 15, in the area of ATO in the Donbas the militants five times shelled the positions of Ukrainian army, there were no injuries and casualties.

“Today in the ATO area is characterized by a reduction in the number of attacks, but full compliance with the ceasefire there. All cases of violations of the ceasefire recorded in the Donetsk area. In General, from midnight of the Russian-terrorist troops carried out 5 attacks of positions of forces of ATO. In two cases, Ukrainian defenders answered the occupiers aimed fire”, – stated in the message the press center of staff ATO.

In particular, fighters of the 82-millimeter mortars fired near Skilled. From grenades of various types fired at Vodiane and the mine Butovka, from light infantry weapons of Sands and Avdiivka.

Meanwhile, the OSCE noted that since 2014, the parties withdrew at the end of the war in the Donbass more than ever.

  • Donbass
  • ATO

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