The Russian foreign Ministry lashed out at the US and Canada because the supply of weapons Ukraine

The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia made a statement in which he criticized the authorities of the United States and Canada because the supply of weapons Ukraine, and urged them to think about “personal responsibility.”
Official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova believes that the Washington and Ottawa “distort the facts” when accused of shelling by Russia-backed militants in the Donbas.
Videocanada included Ukraine in the list of countries where we can export lethal weapons
TSN. Pdsmi day
14 December, 00:33
Zakharova think that the way the Western countries “are clearly trying to find a pretext to launch a massive supply to Ukraine lethal weapons.”
The Russian foreign Ministry believes that the provision of weapons Ukraine “pushes her leadership sabotaging peaceful settlement of the conflict in the East of the country, the new military adventures”.
See also:
Russia equips, directs, trains and fights with the separatists in the Donbas – Tillerson
“In Washington and Ottawa need to understand that the power of the conflict in the Donbass, which became the result of a coup in Kiev, not to solve, but the fault for the deaths lies on those who give into the hands of the killers weapons,” – concluded in Moscow.
Recall that Canada decided to include Ukraine in the list of countries where you can sell a lethal weapon. The changes are intended to make it possible for canadian exporters to apply for delivery prohibited for sale Ukraine of firearms and devices, their components or parts.
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