The Ministry of social policy has named the date of increase in benefits to retirees

From 1 January 2018 in Ukraine will asurement (increase) military pensions and other security forces.

This assured the Minister of social policy Andrei Reva. He noted that this reform will start early next year, even if Parliament will not have time this year to vote for the bill.

“Regardless of when the Verkhovna Rada will adopt the law, recalculation of pensions will start from 1 January 2018 – in the law-prescribed norm, which is established by allocation from this date,” said Reva.

Pensions will be modernize for each retiree individually, depending on the length and size allowance.

“If we talk about an average increase, it will be 1,5 thousand hryvnias. A lot or a little? This is substantially more than there are today, and if civilian pension rose on average by 30%, military growth is expected to average at 62%. Together with this decent pensions can be achieved only gradually, and therefore the main result of this law will be conducting a one-time and annual modernizing military and civil pensions,” – said the Minister.

Recall that the pension reform in Ukraine officially started on 11 October this year. Modernized pension retroactively from 1 October.

  • pension
  • pension reform
  • The Ministry of social policy
  • Reva
  • military pensioner

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