A lover of cats and flowers. Mercenary, Russian Federation managed to do some fighting for “DPR” only four months before the death of near Avdeevka

Counterintelligence of SBU together with TSN.ia continues to inform the public of the Russian citizens and Ukrainians-traitors who are involved in maintaining the existence of the “L/DNR”.
In previous publications it was about the personal guards of the leader of “DNR” Zakharchenko, and destroyed in Syria General of the Russian Federation Valeriy Asabove and the General-major Valery Sharapova who took part in military operations on Donbass. About Lieutenant General Michael Teplinskaya, in particular, know that his arrival in the occupied territory was equivalent to Armageddon. And another Russian General Boris Fomichev became known after leaked online recordings of his angry speech, addressed to the Chechen mercenaries who frightened ran away from the battlefield.
See also:
Business in kopanky and looting of factories in the “DNR”. Dossier on ex-Sbushnika, Sepashvili
In the political field in the Donbass, noted the Russian nationalist Latvian origin, Aleksandr Kazakov, who became the image maker of the leader “DNR” Alexander Zakharchenko.
Also the attention of the scouts caught the so-called former attorney General “DNR” Ravil Khalikov, who took two Chechen wars and took part in the annexation of the Crimea. And major General of the armed forces of the Russian Federation Igor Timofeev, who in his interview told about the high purposes of military service, in the “DNR” has become a common thief, organizing cigarette smuggling and products.
This time we will focus on the Russian mercenary Anton Aleksandrovich Dudin, who joined the military actions in the Donbass in 2017.
Anton Dudin was born on 23 September 1987 in the city of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod region, Russian Federation. Spelled out there on the street Krasnykh Partizan, 16. Has the passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation.
Dudin became one of the Russian military mercenaries of an illegal armed formation “Separate assault battalion “Somalia” (in/h 08828) of the 1st Army corps of the so-called Ministry of defense of the terrorist organization “Donetsk people’s Republic”.
In lists of staff of military unit №08828 enrolled order of January 21, 2017.
Had the title of guard soldier and served as senior gunner of the 1st branch, 2nd assault platoon, 2nd assault company OSB “Somalia”.
Dudin managed to last for long, only a few months. Died may 19, 2017 during the implementation of the fighting on the side of illegal armed groups in the industrial zone near the city of Avdeevka.
This information became known from the correspondence of the first Deputy chief of staff OSB “Somalia” 1st AK MO “DNR” Lieutenant O. Dorosh with the citizen of the Russian Federation Anastasia Kuznetsova and brother Dudin Maxim Alexandrovich.
According to the diagnosis of a medical certificate of death dated may 20 issued by the Bureau of forensic medical examination of the so-called Ministry of health “DNR”, signed by the doctor Bachury K. I., Anton Dudin was killed as a result of gunshot shrapnel wounds of the head in the fighting.
According to the page Dudin in the social network, he traveled a little in Russia, was in Kazan and in St. Petersburg. Fond of nature, vylazhivat a lot of pictures of flowers, birds and forests. Had a pet cat Vaska. Along with this, Dudin published a lot of photos of Russian military equipment and added a video on this same subject.
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