EBRD to give Ukraine EUR 150 million for the construction of railway tracks

The European Bank for reconstruction and rosvita signed an agreement with Ukraine on a loan in the amount of 150 million euros for the construction of a second track, electrification and modernization of signaling systems and communication in the direction Dolynska – Mykolaiv – Kolosivka.
About it reports a press-service of the Ministry of infrastructure of Ukraine.
Funding for the project is planned at the expense of attracted loan funds EBRD under the state guarantees in the amount of 150 million euros. Source of financing of the project will involve funds of the European investment Bank (the respective Financial agreement was signed in December last year).
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In signing the agreement was attended by the Minister of infrastructure Vladimir Omelian. According to him, the implementation of this project will enhance the capacity of the railway direction Dolynska – Mykolaiv – Kolosivka, which lies on the territory of Kirovohrad, Mykolaiv and Odessa regions. This will solve problems with the clearance of cargo in the direction of the Nikolaev ports; to raise the service speed of freight trains 20 – 25%, which will allow to reduce time of cargo delivery, and significantly reduce operating costs associated with the improvement of the organization of movement trains, namely to avoid significant amounts of braking and acceleration of trains (when performing overtaking and crossing); to obtain significant savings in diesel fuel and improve the environmental situation in the region by eliminating harmful emissions (of combustion products of diesel fuel) into the atmosphere a total strength of 11000 t/year; additionally to create about 300 skilled jobs.
As previously reported, Omeljan said that the construction of high-speed rail service between Kyiv and Odessa need 540-840 million euros. The optimal route is the route along the highway Kiev-Odessa, where the government already has the land.
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