In Russia want to equate mining of cryptocurrencies to entrepreneurship

Russia plans to introduce legislation that will regulate the issue and circulation of cryptocurrency.
The relevant draft law “On digital of financial assets” was prepared and published by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Russian reports The Insider.
The document prescribed that cryptocurrency and tokens “are not legal tender in the territory of the Russian Federation”. Mining want to equate entrepreneurial activities, and smart contract – to the contract in electronic form.
Operators cryptanalytic exchanges will have to register as a legal entity and to comply with the Federal laws “On securities market” and “On organized trading”. The organizers of the ICO will be required to disclose information about the beneficiaries, the location of the Issuer, of the persons engaged in Depositary activities and the rights of the owners of the tokens and their implementation.
The owners cryptowall and tokens will be able to sell or to buy only officially registered in Russia exchanges. Also the government wants to ban the sale of digital tokens for the sum over 50 thousand non-qualified investors. Earlier, Deputy Finance Minister Alexey Moiseev said that about 90% of all ICO now are fraudulent.
Meanwhile, Ukrainian officials actively declare the cryptocurrency.
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