Ukrainians expect an additional fee for housing in the absence of a collective agreement

New the law on housing and communal services will increase the cost for residents of high-rise buildings that do not conclude a collective agreement with the supplier of heat or water. This and other provisions of the document will take effect later this year, according to a story TSN.19:30.
In addition to the additional subscription fee, the law contains other innovations, in particular the return of penalties and the enforcement mechanism of disconnect defaulters from services. Simple Kiev have a lot of claims to public utilities. In the house on Borshchagovka roof leaks – people instead of a chandelier fixed to the ceiling with a bucket, and are careful to avoid being struck by the current. “We have from the basement all the time belching steam, to the housing office a call – they do nothing” – complain residents. Last year the utility installed in the entrance of a new lift, however, due to excessive humidity turned it off. “We have the best staircase for payment, have never had debt. For what we pay?”- outraged residents. They pay 3 thousand UAH of a rent for the greenhouse effect in your own home, and will pay even more if they can’t unite.
Video settings Ukraine will have the law on the new scheme of cooperation with utilities
Under the new law, residents must choose the model of cooperation with the service provider. Collective agreements of the joint owners are clearly prescribed responsibilities of the parties and control over the execution. If the transaction is an individual, water or heat delivered to the house, and the state networks within apartment buildings vendor do not care. Lawyers have said the new law is not fair.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:17
Under the new law, residents must choose a model of cooperation with the service provider. Collective agreements of the joint owners are clearly prescribed responsibilities of the parties and the monitoring of compliance. If the transaction is an individual, water or heat delivered to the house, but the state of the networks inside apartment buildings provider will not care. “Now the Ukrainians should independently decide the issues of your home. Repairs of a capital or current will occur at the expense of people who live in the house”, – said the lawyer Lawrence Tsaruk.
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The people of Kiev returned 4.5 million UAH rent for substandard utility services
Additional subscription fee he considers to be an unfair innovation, because if one is going to pay for the meter, and his neighbor will steal the provider the difference will be divided to all residents and will add to your maintenance costs, in particular the call center. That called additional fee. “We do not insist on the adoption plan, it is important that people understand what they are paying for”, – commented the Minister of regional development, construction and housing and communal services Gennady Zubko.
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Ukrainians will be allowed to establish an Autonomous heating in the apartments, but under one condition
Building on Borshchagovka are now paying for the hot water in the basement, the mildew on the ceiling and sleepless nights for utility hell. But on the opposite side of Kiev in the house on the street of Bratislava local condominiums have built a heater meter and regulator from the weather. Money for the modernization of the boiler room and house warming housekeeper Elena took from the state energy efficiency programs, and now is proud of the fact that the house is clean, warm and economical. “On all floors tile laid, and that such repairs,” shows it. And talks about plans for the future – equipping a gym for the residents.
The correspondent TSN Igor Bondarenko
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