Food prices in Ukraine, almost caught up with Europe and will continue to grow. Infographics

In 2018 the cost of most products’ in Ukraine will only grow. Will be only a slight seasonal fall in prices, which subsequently continue to grow.
“In many respects already reached parity with evrotseny, so you can expect only a slowdown in growth. The relative cheapness of our fruits and vegetables in summer and autumn due to the fact that the average price reduces off-grade Ukrainian products. And selected imported apples we have now are in Europe”, – said General Director of Ukrainian Association of trade networks suppliers Oleksiy Doroshenko, who was quoted by “Today”.
Products to rise by 10-12% with devaluation of 7% and inflation at 9%, predicts the expert.
“For certain products, such as meat, butter may be a price increase of 18%, sunflower oil – up to 30%. And sugar is unlikely to rise, as it welded a lot. Cheaper other products may be only seasonal vegetables and fruits, as well as, for example, in the summer the price of eggs may be reduced by 15-20%. 20-30% in the summer, the fat will drop because of lower demand for it. But the chicken will be closer in price to pork and beef – 120 UAH/kg,” – said Doroshenko.
The rise in food prices this year can only mitigate the increase in wages caused by the rapid devaluation of the hryvnia, than rising prices. But wages will not go up everywhere, so will continue the stratification of society by income level. This is evidenced by the Executive Director of the Economic discussion club Oleg Pendzin.
“The average salary in the country may exceed 9 thousand UAH. Definitely will increase earnings in the public sector, as the government promised growth as the minimum wage and social standards from the military,” – said Doroshenko.
Experts say that Ukrainians pay for food for a larger percentage of their income compared to residents of other countries in Europe, although prices for most products below. The reason is that the wages of Ukrainians are among the lowest in Europe, but the cost of the food basket is gradually approaching the European average. For example, the Ukrainian milk is more expensive than the nearest neighbors – poles and Belarusians, and only two times cheaper than the French. The average salary in Ukraine is 18% of average earnings in Poland and 7.5% from earnings in France and 62% in Belarus. The price of chicken is almost the same with the neighborhood, though, and 2.8 times lower than in France. And so far, only vegetables and apples in Ukraine are much smaller than abroad.
Experts believe that Ukrainian prices compared to salaries are inflated.
“The indication that we have the highest prices relative to wages, is that Ukrainian family now spends on food 57% of the monthly income of the Belarusian – 38% and the European average is only 14-18%. It is known that countries with agricultural and commodity economies, to which Ukraine is rich not happen, because their products are of low added value. Without the development of high technology to talk about the growth of wages to the European level is not necessary,” – says Pendzin.
In his opinion, price growth in recent years was because after the signing of the EU Association violated the parity between the low wages and prices for energy, housing and communal services, which are subsidized by the state, and abolished the regulation on social products. The expert is confident that the return state regulation of food prices and to reduce tariffs on komuslugi pointless, but for families with low income need to introduce targeted cash payments for the purchase of social food.
Remind, experts told when and how can rise of sugar.
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