The media called the timing of the appointment of a new head of the national Bank

The vote in Parliament for the dismissal of the head of the national Bank of Ukraine Valeria Gontareva could take place on February 27. Then on this position may appoint the current acting Chairman of the NBU Yakov Smoliy.
Write about this “Ukrainian news” with reference to own sources.
“The appointment Smoliy deferred until the end of February, most likely on the 27 th day (Feb)”, – said the source.
The postponement of the date of dismissal/appointment is the lack to date of final approval of the full package of appointments.
Recall President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko on January 18 of this year brought in Parliament representation about dismissal of the Chairman of the NBU Valeria Gontareva and purpose instead of Jacob Smoliy. Gontareva wrote a letter of resignation last spring and left a nice long vacation, which promised not to return to the national Bank.
Resin – a programmer by training, works in banking sector since 1991. First Deputy Chairman of the NBU was before the arrival of Gontareva, in April 2014.
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