In Kiev increased travel on 53 routes. Complete list

In January of this year in Kiev raised the cost of travel’s 1 UAH on 53 routes. Depending on the distance the new price is 5, 6 or 7 UAH.
In the public transport service of the KSCA said that today the Kyiv city government is deprived of legal grounds to influence the tariffs on transportation of passengers on bus routes of General use operating in the taxi. About it writes “UKRINFORM”.
“According to the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 240 25.03.2015 year abolished the state regulation of tariffs for transportation of passengers in road transport for General use, including those working in the taxi. Tariffs for transportation of passengers are calculated according to the Method of calculation of tariffs for services of passenger road transport, approved by the Ministry of transport and communications of 17.11.2009, No. 1175. According to the Methodology of the tariff for transportations on city bus routes of public use of Kyiv who work in the taxi is free, and therefore generated each carrier independently”, – stated in the message.
See also:
Chain reaction. In large cities, more expensive public transport
According to paragraph 2.3.4. contracts about the organisation of transportations of passengers on city bus route of General use Kiev carriers are only required to notify the Department of transport infrastructure about change of fares within one working day from the date of the introduction of the new tariff.
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