“Naftogaz” has received a license to supply electricity

A subsidiary of NAC “Naftogaz Of Ukraine“get a license for the right of implementation of economic activity on supply of electrical energy. We are talking about OOO “Gaziosmanpasa company “Naftogaz of Ukraine”.
The decision about the license was made by the national Commission, carrying out state regulation in spheres of power and utilities.
For the license the company must pay 1.7 thousand within ten days, writes “Economic truth”.
See also:
The head of “Naftogaz” told what decisions should be made by arbitration in the case against “Gazprom”
OOO “Gaziosmanpasa company “Naftogaz of Ukraine” is 100% owned by NJSC “Naftogaz of Ukraine”.
This is the first experience of diversification of activities of NAC, which unites the largest oil and gas enterprises of the country. The holding is a monopolist on transit and storage of natural gas in underground storage, and oil transportation by pipeline transport through the territory of Ukraine.
We will remind, “Naftogaz” will have to separate the activities of transportation of natural gas (unbundling), including with assistance of a qualified partner to manage the gas transportation system of Ukraine.
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