Castle hill in Kyiv received a new legal status

The city Council has provided a new status of the historical area of castle hill in the Podolsk district of the capital. Land plot of approximate total area of 9.8 hectares, located between the street Vozdvizhenskaya, side street Lado Ketskhoveli, Frolovskaya lane and St. Andrew’s descent is now a Park.
The decision stems from a desire to protect green spaces and recreational value of the territory. “This land has historical and cultural significance of city scale, so the new status will make it impossible in the future development of the historic area of Podil”, – informs the official Internet-portal of Kyiv city state administration.
See also:
Elto on Vozdvizhenka in the center of Kyiv to fall castle hill: meshkantsiv evacuable
Now municipal enterprise on maintenance of green spaces Podolsk district must submit the necessary documents for the right of permanent use of land, develop the project land, the landscaping, to calculate the normative amount of the annual funding for the care and maintenance of green spaces on the land, and the like.
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