The representative of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, may prohibit access to polling stations for the Russian President

Ukraine sent a protest note to Russia due to the in the annexed Crimea and in the occupied Donbas elections of the President of the Russian Federation. Only if there are undiscovered sites Russia will be able to vote in diplomatic missions of Ukraine.
About this Twitter wrote the Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin.
“Sent a note to the Russian foreign Ministry. 1. A strong protest against the election of the President of the Russian Federation on the territory of the occupied Crimea. 2. Warned against attempts to organize elections on the territory of the occupied Donbas. 3. Stressed that there can be no elections at the diplomatic missions of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine without the full implementation of the first two conditions,” – said Klimkin.
The Minister also promised sanctions for those who will be involved in the organization of presidential elections in the occupied territories.
“We will work to ensure that all attracted to the election of the President of the Russian Federation on the territory of the occupied Crimea came under sanctions,” said Klimkin.
Meanwhile, on the eve of elections the Russians bullied gay and black police officers.
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