Meat prices are growing at a frantic pace and are not going to stop

“Meat basket” this year significantly rose.
Ukrainian lard is from 40 hryvnia is now worth at least 70 USD. Pork is also in the price was not far behind with 39 hryvnias for kilogram has risen three times. Beef also increased in price. Butchers asking for a kilo of the cheapest kind of 117 USD. Chicken and boiled sausage increased by 21 hryvnia. Now the cheapest of all meat varieties – chicken carcass for 55 hryvnia per kilo, according to a story TSN.Week.
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If a year ago for the set was given to 377 hryvnia, then at the end of January 2018 529 USD. Thus, the meat index basket has increased by 40%. The minimum wage by 16%.
Prices will not stop there, warned the Association of breeders of Ukraine. The state apparently suggests that post – not only spiritual, but also economic phenomenon. Already in the Easter holidays all meat products will rise by 10%. A kilo of pork on the holiday barbecue will cost 120 UAH.
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