Kenes Rakishev: IT is a businessman in the oil Kazakhstan

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Last year, for example, this edition put the name Rakishev on the 7th line in the rating of 50 richest businessmen of Kazakhstan, and in consequence the experts considered it the 16th in his native country.The amazing thing for Ukrainians – not even age Kenges Rakishev (and he’s only in the summer will celebrate 39 years), and that the greatest success in a very resource-rich Central Asian country, the businessman has made in quite unexpected areas: high technology and venture capital for start-UPS.
Range of interests Kenges Rakishev in the digital and technological business is quite wide: from gadgets to work safely with a variety of cryptocurrencies, and mobile apps, “features” for mobile services and up to robotics in the medical field. It is difficult to find among our businessmen whom could be called “Ukrainian Rakishev”: the state of the Ukrainian business elite is made primarily “on the pipe” (gas), the remains of the Soviet industry, agriculture or just at close proximity to the budget. But let’s not about sad.
The latest technology has biznesmashina.nada while still in British SaïdBusiness School, after which there was the least prestigious London Business School. In the capital of great Britain took place 2 years ago loud world premiere of superdimension Solarin. It attracted venture funding, though more than successfully managed to raise investments worth $ 72 million. For perfect security of a smartphone during its development was used previously classified technologies of the defense industry. His presentation was graced by Tom hardy and Leonardo DiCaprio.
Next project, however, surpassed the previous in all respects. They became cryptocanthon. But as Sobilo collected much more money than expected – almost $ 160 million – it was decided to release the same and the laptop from the same line, which has received the common name of Finney. The gadget should be ready by the end of this year. By the way, the course zigzags cryptocurrency does not affect the relevance of this technique: the cost of the virtual money fluctuated, moreover, quite significantly, all the time of their existence, but question the safety of their storage and analysis to project Finney no one seriously tried to decide.Ambassador for this project readily agreed to become a famous football player of “Barcelona” Lionel Messi. He Kenes Rakishev, too, can boast of success in cryptonomicon: when it Groupвышла on ICO six months ago, in less than two days selling tokens Stox has brought more than $ 33 million!
And a string of other successes of Kazakhstani businessman Kenes Rakishev exclusively in the field of IT. Juno – a startup mobile app to call a taxi in new York at an investment of Fondamenta Rakishev Singulariteam only 25 million US dollars was soon successfully launched and sold to Gett two hundred million! The geo-filter for a start-up Mobli has also funded the Foundation Kenges Rakishev, and sold agopost for $ 8 million known giant Snap, the Creator of the popular app Snapchat. $ 23 million (invested at just over 2 million) received the Fund of Kenes РакишеваSingulariteam from Hong Kong investment Fund AID Partners for the startup, allowing for molecular diagnosticcounselling, as well as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. The plans for the near future – the creation of perfect panoramic vision glasses.
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