In Kiev on the bridge bus crashed into a car of the patrol police

In Kiev on the bridge bus crashed into a car of the patrol police
Today, 05:06
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Traffic accident occurred in the band from Troeschina towards metro station “pochayna”.
On the North bridge in Kiev taxi “Bogdan” No. 150 crashed into a car of the patrol police.
Of an accident without poterla on Punchau bridge ( near the pumping station napramku metro #pochayna iz W/m #Troyeschina): poperedniy…
Posted Kiev Operational 8 quina 2018 R.
About it reports “the Kiev Operational” on Sunday on the page in Facebook.
See also:
In Texas after the accident the truck went off the bridge and caught fire
Traffic accident occurred in the band from Troeschina towards metro station “pochayna”. According to preliminary information, the bus “Bogdan brakes failed and he drove into the back of the official car “Toyota”.
“Law enforcement at this point was to persuade young “Yamakasi” to get off the supports of the bridge,” the report States.