“Granny is sleeping drunk. And mom was off somewhere”. Patrol in the street found a 5-year-old girl

“Granny is sleeping drunk. And mom was off somewhere”. Patrol in the street found a 5-year-old girl
© Patrol police / Twitter
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In Kiev the staff of patrol police in the dark saw a 5-year-old girl who one walked the streets.
“While the mother and grandmother were drinking, the child was on the street. A patrol found the girl in a few blocks, fed and taken to the native aunt. In the future, business will be engaged in the relevant services”, – stated in the message of the patrol police.
In the video the child says that her mother is somewhere left home, and left her with her grandmother.
“Grandma drunk right now. Mom was long. And I’m sitting at home. I shout-I shout through the balcony, and mom is not. I don’t know where she went. Grandma is drunk. In Gundelik went there drank vodka, beer, walking. Only this morning I was with my grandmother, we were a little walk with grandma. And then my grandmother just walked and went home with me. I don’t want one to sit at home. Granny is fast asleep when mom was out. And I cried there on the balcony – where the boys walked. And then I heard I told them that I sit at home, and my grandmother drunk. I don’t want to live here! I have a Luba once lived, mom pick me up. Luba is my neighbor. Luba love! Baked yummy cake. And I was taken. And I’d like to be in Luba always,” says the child.
Metropolitan patrol took care of 5-year-old girl, whose mother does not fulfill its obligations. While mother and grandmother were drinking, the child was on the street. A patrol found the girl for several blocks, fed and taken to the native aunt. In the future, business will be engaged in appropriate services. pic.twitter.com/Pnmw50s1B6
Patrol Police (@patrolpoliceua) 13 APR 2018
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