The special representative of the United States, Walker said when you visit Ukraine

The special representative of the United States, Walker said when you visit Ukraine



Today, 01:54

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The diplomat plans to visit the war zone in the Donbas.

Special envoy of the US state Department on Ukraine Kurt Volker is planning to visit Ukraine in may.

He said this during a meeting with foreign journalists in the international press Center of the U.S. state Department, reports Radio Liberty.

“We are still working on to give, and it looks like it will be somewhere in the middle of may. I will visit the East of Ukraine, not just Kiev”, – said Walker.

The US special envoy plans to visit a combat zone. However, he is not yet ready to say, will visit Russia and will he have any meetings with Russian officials.

See also:

The mechanism of the transition: Volker explained why the peacekeeping mission in the Donbass must be different from all other

Recall the last time Kurt Volker was in Ukraine in January this year. He held several meetings, particularly with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and the Secretary of the NSDC Oleksandr Turchynov.

After that He went to meet with Russian presidential aide Vladislav Surkov. In the Kremlin even before the talks urged not to expect any results from this meeting.

Videoasia changed its position on peacekeepers in the Donbass after the meeting with Kurt Volker

After a meeting with the representative of the United States in Dubai the representative of the Kremlin Vladislav Surkov has declared literally the following: the current package of U.S. proposals look “usable”. According to Surkov, there is a detailed plan for the deployment of a peacekeeping mission, tied to implementation of the political provisions of the Minsk agreements.

TSN. Week

28 Jan, 20:45


  • Donbass
  • The state Department
  • Walker

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