Drunk autokinito for broken car Medvedchuk faces up to 15 years in prison

Drunk autokinito for broken car Medvedchuk faces up to 15 years in prison
Today, 19:52
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Besides the cost to repair the broken SUV up to several thousand dollars
Drunk car smashed the car of Viktor Medvedchuk. SUV “Mercedes-Benz” Executive class was in a double accident, says TSN.19.30.
Rumor has it the car at the car wash left his wife, Medvedchuk and Oksana Marchenko. After that, the drunk employee of the car wash decided to go on another car. In addition to the administrative penalty for the Commission of an accident and driving drunk and without documents, the man faces a real term for car theft.
Double accident in the capital’s Podil. Black “Mercedes-Benz” at the traffic lights catching the minibus, and the catchy “Lanos”. The driver of the SUV did not slow down, witnesses say. After leaving the car and tried to flee the scene but was so drunk he just hid behind the nearest pillar.
“As experts noted, it in 10 times exceeded norm of intoxication. It is quite inappropriate” – note the witnesses.
Ordinary accident with a drunk driver could be another accident to the police. However, instead of the official or major driving luxury cars sat a car that decided to drive on the client machine. Adds piquancy to the situation the owner of the car.
According to the register SUV, black color, 2010 edition belongs to Viktor Medvedchuk. Brand new car of this class is worth 4 million, eight – year run- twice cheaper.
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In the area of the accident five car washes. Godfather Putin is washed in a green sink on the ring. Here admit, the night served a German SUV. However, on the Moika from my colleagues, repudiate, at least pretend they did not know.
Videoplay car was stolen and smashed the car of Viktor Medvedchuk
At the intersection the driver of the SUV Mercedes-Benz Executive class forgot to brake and crashed into a van, and he touched Lanos. Say the car at the car wash left his wife, Medvedchuk Oksana Marchenko. After that, the drunk employee of the car wash decided to go on another car.
TSN. 19:30
Today, 19:53
To steal and break the car godfather Putin will cost autokinito expensive. In addition to the administrative penalty for the Commission of an accident and driving drunk and without documents, the man faces a real term for car theft.
“For the open trade from 10 to 15 years of imprisonment,” say the police.
Bumper, radiator, headlights – auto repairs will cost tens of thousands of dollars. At whose expense will be recovered in the family of Medvedchuk have not yet spoken.
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