Lviv has exposed the names of the agents, which uses the police and SBU to fakie bribery

Lviv has exposed the names of the agents, which uses the police and SBU to fakie bribery
Today, 18:35
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In General, named the nine people who featured in 42 cases.
The former Deputy head of the Lviv regional hospital Natalia van Doeveren together with the lawyers Oleg Mitsik and Valeria Kolomiets published the names of the agents that law enforcement officers systematically used to toss bribes.
It is reported
The statement says about the nine who allegedly demanded bribes or who are themselves key witnesses for 42 criminal cases over the past few years. As noted, the majority of these cases involve the extortion of bribes it, although there are some exceptions.
According to Natalia van Doeveren, often the provocation appears small businesswoman Marianne Gavrish. Her services have been used at least nine times. So, she allegedly demanded a bribe of the official of the district administration, subsequently the chief of state and Dean of the Institute. The most famous case involving Gavrish is condemned for a bribe of the mayor of Sochi, who allegedly demanded her employees are women.
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Doeveren also claims that at least 5 times law enforcement officers involved in the cases of small entrepreneurs Oleg Kulesza, Les Overko and Vladimir Judica. So, Kulyash involved in the detention of workers Ukrtranslizing of Lviv region, who allegedly extorted a thousand dollars. Les Overko appears as the victim in the case of the Deputy mayor Yavorov, who is also accused of extorting bribes. Hudec worked as an agent, when in 2018 detained the assistant of the mayor of Rudok.
Such provocations are often attracted entrepreneurs, says Doeveren. However, there are use cases suspected or convicted of minor crimes.
According to the statement of Natalya in six cases appears Miroslav Beast (Kiselevich), who previously worked in the interior Ministry and was later convicted of fraud and theft. In addition, there are cases when the law enforcers were the relatives to provocations. Among them Doeveren calls brothers Yaroslav and Alexander Kozakov.
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In a statement Doeveren also refers to the Novel Kernytsya. The woman claims that it was used during the arrest of an employee of the Lviv railway. It also says employees of the State migration service Alexander Semchyshyna, a key witness in the case about the bribe to the leadership of the migration service. Allegedly Semchyshyna was detained with a bribe, and then changed the status from suspect to witness.
In General, Natalia van Doeveren together with lawyers counted at least 24 agents that appear in 73 criminal cases.
“This is all made up, fake story. They have nothing to do with this corruption,” – said the lawyer Oleg Mytsyk. He adds that although the European court permits the use of agents, their actions must be passive – they should not provoke the situation or come up with them.
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The lawyer also adds that the different structures use the same agents. Thus, according to him, SBU makes things “cleaner”, and the obvious fakes have always been of the former Department and in the Department for the protection of the economy, Netpolicy. Natalia van Doeveren said that the list of agents managed to obtain the recognition of those who have planted for a bribe.
It is worth noting that the investigation in relation to most of Natalia, van Doeveren for allegedly soliciting a bribe. However, during one recent meeting of a key witness of the case admitted to false testimony.
Recall that an external investigation team made large-scale exposure system of bribery and corruption on the sidelines of the PACE. Investigators called the 17 officials who are unable to refuse bribes. Black caviar, sex workers, carpet and money: who and what was tempted.
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