In Kiev will work the musical-lighted fountain with 2-hour colorful show

In Kiev will work the musical-lighted fountain with 2-hour colorful show
Today, 01:11
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Organizers promise a diverse repertoire and a lot of good memories.
A few days left before the official opening of the capital of fountains. Now the city is counting down to this, says the story TSN.19:30.
During test start, the spray flying around for a few meters, and passers-by immediately took out phones to take photos. The musical event should be special: the jets are constantly changing the intensity and direction simultaneously with light and music, but this time it was without music, her absence was compensated by street performers. Just script 21, them to start with a computer, and 75 pumps are gaining 200 cubic meters of water a week and chase her in a circle. Fountain show lasts for two hours, and its repertoire is diverse – from classical to dance hits.
Videotelefonie fountains will resume musical-light show
While upstairs, wash, clean and restore the stolen visitors details, check the underground pipes and configure the equipment. Open season promise may 1. Musical-light show at Independence square will be held from 21 to 23 hours from Tuesday to Saturday.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:55
The main complex was reconstructed last year, and the remaining fountains serving old-fashioned method: a button that starts the engine, and visual monitoring of the fountain. Those who do not rely on computers don’t know such problems like hacking and unauthorized interference with the discharge of water in tanks during the rains. However, no one scheme does not protect from bullies, and last season closed almost a month early because the unknown began to tint the water. Then wash the system public utilities accounted for twice a day, not once a week, and it was too expensive, so the fountains are turned off.
See also:
The fountain Kiev prematurely turned off because of the “color of bullies”
Even more than paint, systems harmful foreign objects. Chestnuts, bottle caps and any other can permanently incapacitate a complex and expensive device. The season has not started yet, and the trash has been floating a lot, but a real disaster for public utilities is bathers. “People have climbed, it’s water, it’s granite, tripped – out pipe, stick pins, injector, all these lamps. Then to ask someone,” they say.