In the Network appeared video of attack with a knife and hammer on “cyborg” in Kiev

In the Network appeared video of attack with a knife and hammer on “cyborg” in Kiev
© Facebook/Yuri Dmitrenko
Today, 00:45
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Dmitri Verbicha attacked five people.
The attack on the defender of the Donetsk airport Dmitry Verbica in Kiev was carried out by three guys and two girls. They didn’t take anything, so there is a suspicion that it was a targeted attack on the ATO.
About this on his page in Facebook wrote a veteran of the fighting in the Donbass, Yuri Dimitrenko. He released a video of the attack.
The footage from surveillance cameras shows how the attackers strikes Verbica, he bounces. Then all participants of the conflict for a few seconds disappear from view of the camera, after which the attackers – three men and two girls – run.
We will remind, on may 2 in Kiev on the street Konstantinovskaya, 59/5, hem unknown with covered faces attacked “cyborg”, the defender of the Donetsk airport Dmitry Verbica. The attackers stabbed a knife in my lower back. Then splattered in the face with gas and wanted to finish with a hammer. Now “cyborg” was taken to the hospital and provide necessary medical care.
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