The United States commented on the possibility of sanctions on Ukrainian officials

The United States commented on the possibility of sanctions on Ukrainian officials
Today, 01:13
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Rumors of a personal means of influence are wandering around Washington is not the first month.
In the United States are discussing sanctions against Ukrainian officials. It became known of it from three independent sources familiar with the process, says the story TSN.19:30.
Former specialist of the Institute of USA for regional development Steven nix called the biggest change in Ukraine over the past 10 years, the emergence of national pride and identity. “The world is full of problems, each of which is competing for the attention of Congress and the White house, but I can assure you, based on all the conversations on Capitol hill – senators and members of the house of representatives – Ukraine remains a very important us ally,” said an analyst at the International Republican Institute.
Videots it became known that the US is preparing sanctions against Ukrainian officials
This TSN has learned from three independent sources familiar with the process. What is the Washington of the Ukraine, how serious is ready to stimulate our reforms, learned from analysts, politicians and diplomats, the correspondent of TSN.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:43
At the same time, the United States noted that Ukraine has changed society, but not politics. “Of course, experts can see who is doing what in Ukraine. Most notably – the IMF did not give now in a year a single tranche due to the fact that Ukraine has not fulfilled the main condition: an independent anti – corruption court,” said an analyst with the Atlantic Council Anders Aslund.
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According to three different people familiar with the process of local sources in Washington recently there has been talk of sanctions against officials who hinder reforms. Now there is reason to fear representatives of parties that form the coalition in the Verkhovna Rada, but do not take the necessary reform laws. Specific names can sound a month and a half. At the same time, at the Embassy of Ukraine in the United States, such initiatives knowas the main source of origin. “Regarding sanctions against Ukrainians or Ukrainian companies – I know that such discussions are already underway about six years, probably. And basically brought these ideas with such sanctions in Washington the Ukrainian policy”, – the Ambassador said Valeriy Chaly. However, specific names are not voiced and he.
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The possible date of introduction of restrictive measures sounded different, but not all believe that these conversations will lead to action. “I have not heard serious discussion about this. I think right now the focus is on anti-sanctions, it is clearly understandable that they are having the desired effect,” says Stephen nix.
The correspondent TSN Jan Slusarczyk
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