Capital drove hundreds bikers from all over Ukraine

Capital drove hundreds bikers from all over Ukraine
Today, 13:25
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The oldest participant is 63 years old.
A celebration of beauty and courage. So the participants of the women’s motosada called a parade held in the capital. Hundreds of girls on bikes came from all over Ukraine to show that motorcycles should not be afraid, says TSN.12.00.
This is the third motorcycle Irene. None of her close friends this passion is not shared. Come here for the atmosphere.
“Someone sculpts test, someone on a Bicycle, someone on a snowboard, I was on the bike,” says Irina.
Signed up for the ride about a hundred women. Each gift icon and the thermal water to refresh your face. Men did not give this. Among Ukrainian biker women no more than 10%, say the organizers.
“The huge male column. Beautiful girls on motorcycles, its beauty is diluted column, but lost, and today is one of those times when girls have a bachelorette party,” says co-organizer Tatiana Turtsevich.
Hope is the oldest participant. Motorcycle bought in 60 years. For three years his power grew.
Videosense motosat took place in the capital
A celebration of beauty and courage – so the ladies motosada called the parade. Signed up for the ride about a hundred women. Each gift icon and the thermal water to refresh your face.
TSN. 12:00
Today, 12:42
“Mom wants to buy a motorcycle more powerful, I’m pretty nervous, you know how mom loves the speed, she will squeeze out a maximum”, – says the daughter of Hope.
But in a convoy the speed not exceeding 50 kilometres per hour. Girls are photographed, become straight rows and sent. They go halfway across town to a traditional point of collection – the monument to founders of Kiev in the Dnieper river.
The youngest participant – Miroslava, she is only 6 years old. On her first run of the girl was brought to father, an experienced biker. Can’t get enough of that her daughter shares his love.
“In 14 years she will learn on the category A1, and 16 will have the rights of A category,” – says the father of the child.
Group photo of female motosada Miroslav until you take. Girls are photographed and go on. To celebrate motobaro.
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