Sentsov desperate and will go to the end of the hunger strike – lawyer

Sentsov desperate and will go to the end of the hunger strike – lawyer
Ukrainian service
Deutsche Welle
© Reuters
Today, 20:36
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Ukrainian calls for the release of Ukrainian political prisoners 64
14 may declared an indefinite hunger strike of Oleg Sentsova was a necessary step, assures the lawyer of Ukrainian Director Dmytro DNSe.
“Sentsov is desperate for something to expect from a Ukrainian or Russian sides. He categorically decided for myself that I would go to the end – time fulfillment of its requirements,” – said DNSe during a press conference in Kiev, on Monday, may 21. According to the lawyer, Sentsov announced a single requirement: the 64 release of Ukrainian political prisoners held in Russia.
According to the regulations of the colony, which is now Sentsov, he was isolated in a separate chamber. The lawyer also said that his client was a month and a half preparing to hunger strike and refused from food parcels, stopped buying the products in the store of the colony, and was entirely on the prison diet, which was gradually reduced to 14 may.
Videocosmos day of fasting: Sentsov lawyer told about the state of the convict
In 2014, after annexation of the Crimea Oleg Sentsov detained on the Peninsula, accused of terrorism, were taken to Russia, where he was sentenced to 20 years in prison. After sitting there for two years, last week Oleg Sentsov was on a hunger strike and stated that it will stop, when the Russian authorities released all political prisoners in Ukraine, according to his calculations is 64 people.
TSN. 19:30
Today, 20:03
No compromise
“I know Oleg for four years, he is quite categorical. All my suggestions to go through legal channels to appeal to the Supreme court of the Russian Federation and other departments – rejected Sentsov,” said DNSe. “In the Russian justice system, I do not believe, especially in his humanity. Under any circumstances, no compromise or negotiations”, – has transferred words of Sentsov his counsel.
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In Russia you can’t count on humanity. Dzhemilev called for Sentsov and Baloha to stop the hunger strike
According to the lawyer, the prison administration said He, that in case of deterioration of his condition to critical, he will get an additional glucose or saline. “When I last saw him, he had already lost a lot of weight,” added DNSe.
Relatives did not expect such a step
Sentsov’s sister Natalie Kaplan said that the hunger strike of Ukrainian filmmaker for her was a surprise. “This is the last gesture of despondency. He ceased to believe in their liberation, but this fast, he tries to approach the release of other political prisoners of the Kremlin,” said Kaplan. According to her, Sentsov by chance chose the date of commencement of hunger strike, because, in his opinion, before the start of the world Championship on football in Russia, it should attract more world attention to the Ukrainian prisoners in the Russian Federation.
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The prisoner Kolchenko wrote a letter Sentsov
The mother of Oleg Sentsov, who now continues to live in Crimea and have two children of the prisoner, is in dire moral state of the news declared a hunger strike. Ludmila Sentsova last time I saw my son three years ago during his trial in Rostov-on-don. “Afraid that can not see at all,” commented the woman.
Foreign Minister: the priority is the release of political prisoners
Press Secretary of the Ukrainian foreign Ministry Marian Betz during a press conference assured that the Agency immediately reacted to the statement by Oleg Sentsov. “We sent a note demanding a meeting with Oleg and a note to the Russian foreign Ministry. However, over the last four years, we never such permission is not received, because the Russian government does not recognize him as a citizen of Ukraine”, – said Betz. However, the representative of the Ministry stressed that the priority for them now is the release of all political prisoners from Russia, in particular Oleg Sentsov.
“Oleg Sentsov, in our opinion, is a symbol of all political prisoners of the Kremlin. Therefore, the question of his dismissal every time we raised on all international forums,” – said the press Secretary of the foreign Ministry of Ukraine. According to her, the foreign Ministry hopes on the release of Sentsov is through increased international pressure on Russia. “The key to the release of all political prisoners actually in the Kremlin”, – summed up his speech Marian Betz.
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“To continue the pressure on the Kremlin.” Poroshenko reacted to the hunger strike Sentsov
We will remind, the Crimea Oleg Sentsov the FSB arrested in may 2014 in Simferopol. The consequence has accused Sentsov in the establishment of the Crimea of the cell is forbidden in Russia “Right sector” planning terrorist attacks. In 2015 Sentsov was sentenced by a military court in Rostov-on-don to 20 years in colony of strict regime on charges of allegedly creating in Crimea a terrorist organization. Now Sentsov is located in a colony “the polar bear” to the North of the Arctic circle.
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