In Bortnichi pensioner burned to death in own apartment

In Bortnichi pensioner burned to death in own apartment



Today, 01:50

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Firefighters had already determined that was the cause of the tragedy.

In the outskirts of Kiev Bortnichi the tragedy occurred. There burned to death 88-year-old man, says the story TSN.Night.

In an apartment building caught fire on the top, third floor of its residents – pensioner alone and lost. The people were in the apartments on the lower floors, but firefighters quickly extinguished the fire and nobody was hurt.

See also:

Near Hydropark in Kiev there was a large-scale fire

Investigators have named the preliminary version of the fire is short circuit.

Video settings the suburbs of Kiev Bortnichi burned to death 88-year-old man

In an apartment building, a house caught fire on the third floor. A resident died. The people were in the apartments on the lower floors. But firefighters quickly extinguished the fire.

TSN. Pdsmi day

Today, 00:19


  • fire
  • death
  • Bortnichi
  • retired

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