In Kiev large-scale accident with victims in the North bridge blocked the movement of troieschyna

In Kiev large-scale accident with victims in the North bridge blocked the movement of troieschyna



Today, 01:22

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In the accident was hospitalized passenger Nexia.

A large-scale accident with victims on the North bridge have blocked the traffic troieschyna.

About it reports Kyiv.Operational in Facebook.

Large #of road accident victims on the North bridge have blocked the traffic troieschyna Video:…

Posted Kiev Operational 21 may 2018 R.

At approximately 23:20 on the North bridge, in the direction of Troyeshchyna, accident to participation of three cars: two Audi and Daewoo. According to preliminary information, Nexia and Audi moved in an extreme right row. The driver of the Nexia slowed down and at that moment received blow back from Audi. From blow Nexia turned and threw to the bumper, and then received another blow in the side from Lanos.

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At the accident scene in Borispol, where the girl was lost, bring flowers and toys

Photo gallery

In Chernihiv, the car hit 11-year-old boy, an accomplice of the accident was the brother of the Deputy-radical (3 photos)

May 20, 20:32

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Videoneed to child: details of road accident with participation of the brother of the Deputy of Chernihiv regional Council

The SUV, which drove the brother of the Deputy of the Chernigov regional Council from the “Radical party” Lyashko, knocked down a boy on a Bicycle. First, the drivers tried to help the victim, but then just disappeared from the scene, leaving the car and packages with white powder.

TSN. 19:30

Yesterday, 20:25

In the accident was hospitalized passenger Nexia. Traffic is almost paralyzed, blocked 3 lanes.

We will remind that earlier in Lviv during the movement fainted bus driver – eyewitnesses in social networks write that the bus hit several road signs, but the pedestrians had to run up, so injured in an accident there.

  • Kiev
  • accident
  • bridge
  • Troyeshchina

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