British Labrador “adopted” a nine ducklings and became a star Network

British Labrador “adopted” a nine ducklings and became a star Network
Today, 18:00
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The dog does not depart from the birds and keeps them warm and near her belly.
Dad winged four-legged kids. The British Labrador has taken under his wing, that is, under paws, nine ducklings, says TSN.16.45.
The kids were orphaned when their mother was eaten by a Fox. So 10-year-old Fred decided to become a large dad and began to care for the ducklings. His duties is responsible – from small side, keep them warm and near her belly.
Dog leads the birds to the water and even rolls on his back, has already become the star of social networks.
Videoconference dad: British Labrador took under his wing 9 ducklings
Yellow fluffy babies were orphaned when their mother was eaten by a Fox. So 10-year-old Fred decided to become the father of many children and began to care for the ducklings. His duties is responsible from the ducks side, protects them, and warms your belly.
TSN. 16:45
Today, 17:42
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