Dozens of shelling, snipers and heavy weapons. The situation in the area of environmental protection at the Donbass

Dozens of shelling, snipers and heavy weapons. The situation in the area of environmental protection at the Donbass
The war in the East
Today, 07:56
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Three militants were killed.
During the day, 1 June, militants armed gangs “DNR” and “LNR” in the Donbass 33 times shelled strongholds of the Ukrainian troops.
It is reported by the headquarters operations of joint forces.
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The first day of summer passed without losses among the Ukrainian military – headquarters OOS
Near the Crimean in Luhansk region and on Gorlovka direction, the terrorists used small arms, but their firing points were suppressed by the forces of OOS. Near Avdiivka and other towns by the Ukrainian military led fire of enemy snipers. And near Chermalyk, Pavlopol, Shirokino and Pro-Russian gunmen used heavy weapons – artillery caliber of 122 mm.
During the day the terrorists three times used heavy weapons against the forces of OOS. Due to the attacks ukrainskoi wounded one soldier, three militants were killed, two – wounded.
See also:
From the beginning of the war in the Donbass killed more than 200 children
It is also noted that on Saturday, June 2, at six in the morning militants fired KPVV Mayorskiy. Victims of attacks there.
We will remind, in the river in the regional hospital named after Mechnikov from the received wounds in the Donbass died two Ukrainian soldiers.
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