SBU has published the interception of conversations of terrorists on Donbass on Russian military and shelling in early 2015

SBU has published the interception of conversations of terrorists on Donbass on Russian military and shelling in early 2015
© Reuters
The war in the East
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The intercepted conversations once again confirm the involvement of Russian military and mercenaries PMC “Wagner” in the fighting in Eastern Ukraine.
The security service of Ukraine has released new interception of conversations of Russian terrorists in the Donbas.
Recordings posted on the official YouTube channel of the SBU.
As noted, one of the dialogs January 22, 2015 between the former head of the “LNB” Igor Carpenter and officer GU GSH VS Russian Federation – the head of the mercenaries Dmitry Utkin with the call sign “Wagner”.
In conversation, according to the SBU, we are talking about forcing the leaders of the militant groups to obey the command of Carpentry.
See also:
SBU published an intercepted conversation of the leader of the mercenaries, “Wagner” about the technique of Debaltsevo
“Igor Venediktovich! Thank You very much! I sincerely congratulate You! On the right track, you know, are! To You, this man arrived. And now he’s under the flags specifically wants to be,” – said the commander of PMC “Wagner.”
In turn, Carpenter emphasizes that without the Russian mercenaries rebels in the Donbas would be difficult.
Other published special conversation was held on 15 February 2015 between one of the curators of the terrorists servicemen GU General staff of the armed forces Ivannikov Oleg Vladimirovich, better known as “Orion” (the Russian officer who was involved in the Downing of flight MH17 from the Russian air defense system “Buk-M1” – approx.SBU) and commander of PMC “Wagner” Dmitry Utkin, the mercenaries which was directly subordinate to the officers of the Russian special services.
In addition to the situation in the Donbass, they also talk about the failure of the Minsk talks.
“Again sneered the fuck are assholes. The process of negotiations, as I understand it, has stalled due to the fact that our Dolby*to continue to water,” says “Wagner”, noting that he needed to pick up his men who remained in the field.
We will remind, security Service of Ukraine has established that from June 2014 the ATO forces had killed at least 36 citizens of the Russian Federation from among PMC “Wagner”. Their death in the East is direct evidence of Russian military aggression against Ukraine.
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