I was nervous, drank water and kissed the cut: how to behave in Parliament danyluk on the day of the dismissal of the Minister of Finance

I was nervous, drank water and kissed the cut: how to behave in Parliament danyluk on the day of the dismissal of the Minister of Finance
Yesterday, 23:59
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The politician continues to blame colleagues in the obstacles in the work of his Ministry.
The Verkhovna Rada dismissed the Minister of Finance Alexander danyluk. Some MPs praised his tenure unsatisfactory, some even called on the police to investigate the officer, according to a story TSN.19:30.
In the Parliament before the vote, Danyluk said Hello only a few deputies while he himself occupied a strange place in the government box – away from Prime Minister Vladimir Groisman. Listening to the speeches of deputies, danyluk was visibly nervous and constantly drank water. From the rostrum he, meanwhile, was recalled and the work of the adviser in the team of Yanukovych, was accused of lobbying the interests of the IMF to the detriment of the country, and was criticized for poor performance in the Cabinet. The Minister complained of harassment and opposition from colleagues. “When you gave me power of attorney of the Minister of Finance, I was to develop an efficient, modern financial system of the country. I was going to fight corruption. I was going to fight the squandering of public funds”, – he assured.
Ideaverona is Pleased with scandal has dismissed Oleksandr danyluk Minister of Finance
Some MPs praised his tenure is unsatisfactory. Another called on the police to investigate his work more closely. For almost two years on the post of Finance Minister Alexander danyluk constantly got in corruption and political scandals. Today danyluk complained about the harassment and opposition from colleagues.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:09
For almost two years on the post of Finance Minister Alexander danyluk constantly got in corruption and political scandals. Reporters talked about the fact that the wife and sons of the Minister have British citizenship, and he danyluk was owned by the London companies with a dubious reputation. TSN journalists managed to find out that real estate Agency “Rurik” owned by Danyluk and which he conducted in London, does not engage in any activities – did not have the office and resembled the fictitious firm pad. To comment on the reproaches of journalists danyluk was neither then nor now.
See also:
Deputy Minister of Finance resigned after Danyluk
For the resignation of danyluk voted 254 deputies. Before leaving the courtroom, he shook hands with speaker Andrew Paruby, kissed Alain Scrum and had a long conversation with Victoria Voytsitskoy. Parks danyluk is not goodbye.
The TSN reporter Dmitry Svyatenko
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