In Kiev during childbirth died in childbirth

In Kiev during childbirth died in childbirth
Yesterday, 22:42
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A dozen doctors couldn’t do with a difficult patient.
In the Metropolitan hospital in the Red Farm died 35-year-old Olga Ivanova. Her child was saved, says the story TSN.19:30.
Dima and Olya was familiar with 20 years, three years, met and married Feb. Dima says that all 9 months of pregnancy of his beloved proceeded without problems, and the hospital chosen by the community. Last Friday, they were already there, labs were normal, they were allowed to go home, and on Saturday towards evening the Oli started bleeding. The doctors started to do the caesarean section, her husband withdrew into the corridor. “We were told that you could find the tube for the anesthesia, so did the anesthesia just a mask, another anesthesia through injection could not do. Got the baby put on my chest, she lay there half an hour. At some point, started to run,” he recalls.
Video settings in Kiev during childbirth died 35-the summer woman
In the Metropolitan hospital on Chervonyi Khutir during childbirth died Olga Ivanova. The child was rescued, and relatives in shock – the day before giving birth, the woman was completely healthy. Who is to blame and what exactly happened in the story TSN.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 19:55
Then my husband said that his wife choked on her own vomit. “I was told that the mass was in the lungs, the gastric juices burn everything. Man, we will not refund, but to no one else lost their life, their happiness,” said Dmitry.
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According to preliminary findings of the autopsy, the deceased attributed to coronary heart disease, but her older sister Alexandra argues that the Oli was not a heart problem. “It’s all garbage, sorry” – she describes the findings of the medical profession. Olya she recalls the day before the death of the healthy and happy man, and the culprits of death of mothers believes doctors.
The medical Directors explain what kind of life the patient struggled for more than 15 professionals, all of which they believe as the correctness of the decision about the caesarean section. “They examined her and immediately life indicators operated. All documents in the forensic medical examination is an independent examination”, – said the Deputy Director of the medical institution Svetlana Goncharuk.
The TSN reporter Tatiana Fruit
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