Boris Grebenshchikov during a free concert in Kiev attacked the picket

Boris Grebenshchikov during a free concert in Kiev attacked the picket
Today, 04:12
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He accused the musician rashizm.
A concert under the open sky for everyone and free of charge staged in Kiev, Boris Grebenshchikov. Russian musician now in Ukraine with a concert tour. He has several years in a row surprised fans with the sudden appearance of a guitar in transit or on the street. At this time came not only to fans of the Grebenshchikov, and dissatisfied with his speech in the Ukrainian capital, says the story TSN.19.30.
To see the performance of Russian band gathered two hundred spectators. A 40-minute free concert, mostly with the hits already this century. Music Russian musician did not like one of the spectators. A lone picketer accuses the musician rashizm and offers to return to Russia.
“Boris Grebenshikov says the same, as Putin, the same slogans that Ukrainians and Russians are one people. He also said that is happy to perform in the Crimea, Donetsk, Lugansk,” – said the activist Leonid Ovcharenko.
Videoboys Grebenshchikov gave an outdoor concert on the Landscape alley in Kiev
A concert under the open sky for everyone and free of charge staged in Kiev Boris Grebenshikov. Russian musician now in Ukraine with a concert tour. And for several years surprised fans with the sudden appearance of a guitar in transit or on the streets.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 21:06
In April of this year, Russian media Grebenshchikov said he was willing to serve in the Crimea, Lugansk and Donetsk, if the mind concerts. Two days later, Ukrainian journalists said that is not going to violate Ukrainian laws.
To philosophize about politics Boris Grebenshchikov at this time, did not and after the street concert was hiding in the van. The organizers assure that the occupiers are not going to.
See also:
Grebenshchikov explained to the Ukrainians of the road in Lugansk and Crimea
“It was clear that we respect the laws of Ukraine, the Budapest Memorandum and anywhere in occupied territory, we will not go”, – said the organizer of a concert of group “Aquarium” Catherine Sudorgina.
Night at BG was a concert at the capital club, then – Odessa and Lviv.
The TSN reporter Igor Bondarenko
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