“With the machines here, except for hares and partridges to shoot the”: soldiers of the 93rd brigade want a powerful revenge for the three dead sister

“With the machines here, except for hares and partridges to shoot the”: soldiers of the 93rd brigade want a powerful revenge for the three dead sister
The war in the East
28 Jun, 23:48
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The military said that even in such circumstances, find it possible to make the enemy regret for their actions.
Ukrainian positions near Bogdanovka occupants fired from heavy weapons. One of the shells went straight into a Supervisory position where on duty killed at least three soldiers, according to a story TSN.19:30.
The echo of the explosions of heavy shells at the “zero” near Bogdanovka almost did not abate and following the tragedy of the day. “Around 16:00 hours went to move the heavy weapons prohibited by the Minsk agreements, such as artillery and mortars of 120 mm. It happened so that as a result of hitting one of the mines, three of our sister yesterday got wounds, incompatible with life”, – told the press officer 93 HOMBRE Andrew Mihalchenko.
Videopokeri on the front. The shell of fighters got in a Supervisory position of the Ukrainian defenders
The powerful artillery attack in broad daylight. Advanced Ukrainian positions near Bogdanovka occupants fired heavy artillery howitzers and mortars. One of the shells went straight into a Supervisory position of Ukrainian defenders. Just three of our children both died in the line of duty.
TSN. 19:30
28 Jun, 19:55
An enemy shell in an instant claimed the lives of 35-year-old soldier Alexander Choline from Volchansk of Kharkov region, 50-year-old Vladimir Dyachenko and 47-year-old Dmytro Petrushenko, who came to the brigade from Dnipropetrovsk. They want revenge, but they have literally tied his hands. “Reply from rifles pointless! Machines ain’t got nothing to answer at all at the moment!”, – they are outraged. Use the Minsk process weapons makes no sense, because the occupants shoot from long distances – at least 5 kilometers. Small arms are there just lacking. “Rifles shoot better! Is that hares and partridges!”, – soldiers say.
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Balu says that nothing extraordinary before the tragedy did not happen, therefore, to predict it in advance was impossible. “The evening was a shootout regular, small: there is a 7.62, the 5.45. Somewhere, maybe fell down there one mortar some far. There, neighbors,” explained the soldier 93 OMBRE. But the morning changed everything – the enemy began to use rocket launchers, guided missiles and other powerful weapons. Direct hits by anti-tank guided missiles were several. “Two anti-tank with separsky side came right on the watch! A direct hit,” – says the fighter with the pseudo “Desna”.
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2 Jun, 20:53
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Behind him on the boxes of ammunition lies a commendation from the commander for diligent service – has received its “Desna” on the day of the tragedy, but put it in a backpack don’t even have time. Victims could be more, if not qualitatively strengthened blindage who saved the lives of the rest of the Ukrainian military. And not only them – directly attacked the running around underfoot five puppies. They survived the explosion of rockets and gradually depart from it. Two of the army that in the time of the attack were on duty, with light contusions in the hospital. “Fierce” shows the debris from anti-tank and recognized that these guys were lucky. “Spare no ammunition”, – he commented the decision of the occupants to use armor-piercing missiles on the technique, and the Marines.
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The Ukrainian military in the Donbass killed 10 militants
To fix the dugout at the soldiers still did not work. “An hour or two of silence, and then there lay the mortar,” – said the military pseudo “Desna”. Fighters from the 93rd brigade say that for each of the deceased sister of the occupiers from the very beginning of the war were mercilessly punished, and those who killed Alexander, Vladimir and Dmitry have regretted and will regret more – say, the possibilities for this, in spite of all prohibitions, will find.
The correspondent TSN Alexander Motor
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