The hryvnia strengthened. Now that is worth buying and when the dollar will start to go up

The hryvnia strengthened. Now that is worth buying and when the dollar will start to go up
© Reuters
Today, 11:15
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The strengthening of the hryvnia is a seasonal phenomenon and is likely a temporary.
Dollars and euros in exchange fell and the hryvnia strengthened.
This is stated in the plot program “snidanok z “1+1”.
According to the NBU rate, the cost of one US dollar is 26,24 UAH, and the Euro – UAH of 30.94. From the beginning, the hryvnia has strengthened considerably. In January, the dollar was worth almost UAH 29. While the Euro put the historical record – January 26, gave him more than 35 UAH.
Experts explain that the strengthening of the hryvnia is a seasonal phenomenon and is likely a temporary. Now the course was affected by the end of the heating season. Because the country does not need to buy a lot of gas.
“When the hryvnia strengthened, in principle, it makes sense to buy some imports if you wanted to do it. For example, it may be a car, because we have almost all cars are imported. This can be real, if the price is pegged to a foreign currency. Can be appliances of some sort, perhaps gadgets”, says economic expert Alexander Kramarenko.
In the fall of the currency might appreciate.
“I think that in September we will have a gradually reducing rate (hryvnia), as well as it was a year ago. The most likely forecast, which I heard is a 28,5-29 hryvnia per dollar,” – says Kramarenko.
The U.S. dollar exchange rate from NBU
The Euro exchange rate from NBU
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