None of the Ukrainian Ministers had no mandate to negotiate with Russia.

None of the Ukrainian Ministers had no mandate to negotiate with Russia.
Yesterday, 21:38
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The government denied reports of contacts with Rosatom.
All Ukrainian Ministerial talks with Russia must be coordinated with the government and the foreign Ministry. So the Prime Minister Vladimir Groysman has responded to the information in the press about the alleged negotiations of the Minister of energy Igor Nasalik with the Russian Corporation “Rosatom”, says the story TSN.19:30.
In the published letter refers to the resumption of the joint production of nuclear fuel on the territory of Russia. According to the Minister Kasalica, Ukraine refused to implement this project, and the current information is simply fake. “Published a letter – fake. The Ministry does not resume cooperation, and fully completing,” – said the Minister.
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Head of government requires from his subordinates to respond quickly and to refute false information. And in any case do not conduct independent negotiations with the aggressor country. “None of you has no mandate to conduct any talks with the country-aggressor and enemy of ours… And all things provocative queries, and so forth, to coordinate with the Ministry of foreign Affairs,” reminded Groisman.
Videogramas, commented on the negotiations of the Minister of energy “Rosatom”
In the published letter refers to the recovery of the total production of nuclear fuel on the territory of Russia. According to Natalika, Ukraine refused to implement this project, and the current information is simply fake. Head of government requires from his subordinates to respond quickly to refute false information and in any case not to engage in independent negotiations with the aggressor country.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:06
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