“The national Bank I’ve been robbed three times”: the deputies said, why trust their money to dollars, not UAH

“The national Bank I’ve been robbed three times”: the deputies said, why trust their money to dollars, not UAH
Today, 01:49
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Shufrich admitted that he once went bankrupt on more than a million dollars.
The law on currency liberalization gave a reason reporters ask the people’s representatives of their States abroad. Along the way, revealed some interesting things, said in the story TSN.19:30.
“No, honey, that’s what no, no,” – said Bakhteyeva. Rosenblatt said that the exchange account has at the German Bank Sparkasse Dortmund. “This is for servicing the loan, which I took to pay for the property,” – said the Deputy. Fishing in itself, nothing like I remembered, but suggested that the bill could have driven them to the company but not in Germany and in the countries of the former Soviet Union – Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Georgia. “And without accounts impossible to work,” he explained.
Videodatarate told whether the money in foreign banks
Taken whether elected officials money abroad, there are bills and in what currency to keep their millions. All this was learned in the Verkhovna Rada Dasha Happy.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:33
Romaniuk their accounts in Italy were already closed, but admitted that their money keeps in dollars. “In my lifetime the national Bank robbed me three times”, – he explained the reason for the distrust of the Ukrainian currency. “Every time I, as a representative of the national bourgeoisie, earned capital, which is kept in local currency. He was worthless, and I again had to accumulate this capital,” he explained.
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Ski resort in Bulgaria and “forgotten” apartments in Russia: Ukrainian deputies told about their property abroad
Shufrych said he trusts the savings to dollars and euros, and the funds holding cash, because experience has taught. “I’m very badly burned in 2004, and more to repeat that mistake, I will not”, – explained the MP. And added that broke the Bank in which he kept the money instead of them returned “any certificates”, which are still impossible to implement. Shufrich went bankrupt more than a million dollars.
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20 million for judicial reform: the deputies admitted, what amounts appear in Parliament during important votes
Dollars trusts and Dubnevich that their income says mysteriously: more than $ 3 million, but less than 10. And out of camera range most of the deputies explain that it’s not just Bank accounts abroad, and assets abroad. First of all, an offshore company which was registered yachts, villas, enterprises of the people’s representatives that they do not show.
The TSN reporter Daria Happy
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