In “Naftogaz” responded to Putin’s statement on the preservation of transit through Ukraine

In “Naftogaz” responded to Putin’s statement on the preservation of transit through Ukraine
Today, 04:48
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Naftogaz is ready to settle and a new dispute concerning the revision of the transit tariff.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia is ready to keep gas transit in case of dispute resolution between business entities in Stockholm arbitration. However, two of the dispute between “Gazprom” and “Naftogaz” have been resolved, but Russia does not comply with the decision.
This was announced at a private page in Facebook chief commercial officer of the company “Naftogaz of Ukraine” Yuriy Vitrenko.
Putin said that Russia is ready to keep gas transit in case of dispute resolution between business entities in…
Yuriy Vitrenko has published Monday, July 16, 2018
“Two disputes (in respect of the gas supply contract and the gas transit contract between Gazprom and Naftogaz was already resolved in the Stockholm arbitration. The problems “only” in the fact that Gazprom does not fulfill the decision of the arbitration does not supply gas to Ukraine at prices that are determined by arbitration, and pays us $ 2.6 billion. compensation determined by arbitration”, – said Vitrenko.
He added that “Naftogaz” is ready to settle the new dispute concerning revision of the transit fare, which recently appealed to the Stockholm arbitration. Vitrenko reminded that the company requires Gazprom to revise transit rate and increase and filed a lawsuit for nearly $ 12 billion. USA.
“If this dispute we will “regulate” in arbitration, it is practically impossible to finish by the end of 2019. In the best case – before the end of 2020,” – said the chief commercial officer.
But he was not sure that Gazprom and Germany will be ready to stop the construction of Nord stream-2 before the end of the new arbitration.
See also:
“Naftogaz” is ready to lower the transit rate for Gazprom in 18 months
We will remind that earlier Russian President Vladimir Putin assured the us President Donald trump that Russia is ready to save the transit of gas through Ukraine after the construction of the Nord stream-2. “Moreover, we are ready to extend the transit contract, which expires next year, in the case of settlement of a dispute between economic entities in Stockholmska arbitration court”, – said Putin.
Video”Gazprom” has reduced the pressure in the pipe for transit to Europe
Ukraine has officially warned the European Union: from Russia, he can remain without gas. “Gazprom” has returned to “Naftogaz” of money for the restoration of fuel supplies to Ukraine, but not in a hurry to pay a huge debt, to pay which the Ukrainians forced the Russians to the international arbitration. Gazprom to pay “Naftogaz” more than $ 2.5 billion.
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