Massive traffic jams paralyzed the movement on Osokorki and Poznyaki

Massive traffic jams paralyzed the movement on Osokorki and Poznyaki
© Photo By Dmitry Dulov
Today, 19:10
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Traffic on the Avenue Bazhana almost stopped.
Today, July 17, Left for the South bound bridge traffic jam. As seen on the map of traffic jams in the capital, from the bridge and right up to Poznyakov Prospekt Bazhana barely moves, also in traffic the surrounding streets.
Witnesses complain that from the bridge to the subway Poznyaki, the flow almost stops, but after that – congestion.
Note that now continues to repair the South bridge, in addition on the Avenue happened a few accidents. Also, the Left swept short but powerful rain, which podtopil streets.
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Videos for repairs on the bridges of the capital, cars stand for hours in traffic jams
In the morning and still have motion between the left and right banks of the city turned into a solid jam. Hours people stand on the bridges across the Dnieper river in the Kiev five. At KCSA has explained the cause of congestion in the traditional summer repairs. The traffic on the bridge Paton will be at least until the end of August, and the South bridge will be repaired for another two weeks.
TSN. 12:00
6 Jul, 13:26
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