The Antimonopoly Committee began to deal with the increased in Ukraine, prices for liquefied petroleum gas

The Antimonopoly Committee began to deal with the increased in Ukraine, prices for liquefied petroleum gas
Today, 18:39
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Professionals looking for violations for which the perpetrators promise to punish.
The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine reported on the increase in prices of liquefied petroleum gas as motor fuel. The public authority began the process of checking the validity of changes in value.
“Due to the rapid increase in retail prices in the market of liquefied gas as motor fuel, which is observed in recent years, the Antimonopoly Committee initiated a study of the compliance of the actions of market participants with the legislation on protection of economic competition. In case of detection on the market of the anticompetitive concerted actions or other violations of the legislation on protection of economic competition, the Committee will take appropriate action”, – informs the press service of the AMC.
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The Committee also recalls that by the decision from June 21 has already been punished a number of business entities for unjustified growth of prices for liquefied gas in its implementation at retail in August 2017. The test revealed the presence in it of anticompetitive concerted actions, because the analysis of the situation in the market denied the existence of objective reasons for changes in the cost of fuel. “For Commission of the specified violation to the defendants fined in the aggregate amount of more than 40 million UAH”, – stated in the Antimonopoly body.
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TSN. 12:00
31 may 2017, 13:09
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